Friday, March 14, 2014

March Slice of Life Story Challenge: Day 14 of 31 / Flight


Today we are going on a plane flight, just the two of us. I will write the story the way I hope it goes. 

We will pull up at curbside check-in and a friendly, helpful attendant will check our bags. The attendant will be so bowled over by my baby's dashing good looks, our bag check fee will be waived. 

We will head to security, which will be nearly empty, and a special line will open just for us. All of the TSA workers will be kind and patient. I will break down the stroller, take off my shoes, take out my computer, and send our bags through, all while holding my baby effortlessly. 

We will get to our gate in plenty of time. We will stroll happily around the airport, as I sip a latte and catch up on gossip headlines. 

Upon boarding the plane, we will happily discover we've been upgraded to first class by the friendly attendant at check-in. We will settle in to our plush seat, the baby will have a great meal and a long nap as I luxuriate with a beverage and a romantic comedy. 

When we land, our stroller will be set up and waiting, and our bags will shoot onto the conveyor the moment we appear in baggage claim. 

Outside will be sunny and warm, and our family will pull up with perfect timing. We'll hug and jump in the car, and, of course, there will be no traffic in Chicago. 

What a wonderful trip we will have! 


  1. I smiled throughout this post. You had me with your baby's "dashing good looks" ! Hope some of your tale came true.

  2. Well I'll be! Traveling with child doesn't sound like a complete nightmare after all. I never heard a good tale about it! My favorite line, We will pull up at curbside check-in and a friendly, helpful attendant will check our bags. The attendant will be so bowled over by my baby's dashing good looks." I hope you make it here to Chicago with clear skies and tantrum free flights!

  3. Hoping this went exactly as planned ... or close to it!

  4. Here is to stress free travel. It has been a while since I have traveled with a baby. Enjoy your time in Chicago.

  5. Oh, what a dream trip! I hope Chicago traffic and weather cooperate with you!
