Monday, March 7, 2016

A Letter to My Fellow Writers

Dear Fellow Writers,

In addition to my work at Two Writing Teachers, each week, I write a blog post for Heinemann Publishing to promote weekly #TCRWP Twitter chats. In between, I'm writing two books for children and an adult novel. Each time I hit publish on a TWT post, or submit an article to Heinemann, or send a book to an agent for review (heck, even sometimes when I update my Facebook status), I am terrified. I am terrified the truth will be revealed - I can't actually put two words together. I am not really a writer. I am a fraud.

But then I think of you. You write. You are writers. You do it out of love and passion and perhaps hope that your words will matter to someone. You do it to teach and to learn. You do it because you can't not do it.

And then I remember, I'm a writer too. Because I  do it.

I commend you all, for your diligence and your hard work and your willingness to be judged and for your sheer bravery.

We're in it together.



  1. very nice! Thanks - I know that fear of hitting the send button. I am good with sending my blogs out but my fiction writing stays hidden away for now. I am amazed at all your writing projects.

  2. There it is, the fear we writers live with... thanks for this honest post, Anna, and the peek into my own writerly life!

  3. There it is, the fear we writers live with... thanks for this honest post, Anna, and the peek into my own writerly life!

  4. Thanks, Anna, for sharing what we all feel at some time.

    "Each time I hit publish on a TWT post, or submit an article to Heinemann, or send a book to an agent for review (heck, even sometimes when I update my Facebook status), I am terrified. I am terrified the truth will be revealed - I can't actually put two words together. I am not really a writer. I am a fraud."

    This is a common fear - the emperor has no clothes . . . or we will see the wizard behind the curtain.

  5. Thanks for being authentic and sharing your fears. We all have those too, but you, my dear, are a writer.

    My blog site is

  6. totally a writer's life. I'm glad I"m not the only one who feels this! Thank you for sharing with me (and everyone!)

  7. Anna, it is so refreshing to hear that you have these fears too. I just find posting something I've written to be such an incredibly vulnerable position to put myself in. And yet, I feel like I owe it to myself to put myself out there and try. Thank you for such an honest post.

  8. Anna, it is so refreshing to hear that you have these fears too. I just find posting something I've written to be such an incredibly vulnerable position to put myself in. And yet, I feel like I owe it to myself to put myself out there and try. Thank you for such an honest post.

  9. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Writing makes us very vulnerable...and brave!

  10. Me too, Anna! Every day, every time!

  11. Thank you - it is hard to hit the publish button some days - you wonder how your words will find their place in the world. I love slice because it is a space for me. I write for myself and worry less about the audience. I think that is the beauty of this community. I love you line: You do it because you can't not do it. That totally sums me up!

    1. You are so right about writing for yourself - I have to remember that always. Thank you Clare!
