Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Letter to My Former Student

A Letter to My Former Student

Dear Juan Carlos,

I am so sorry.

I am sorry I made you move your desk to the corner of the room, with your back to the class. You still turned around and joined in, cracked jokes, told us what you thought, whether we asked or not. I am sorry I told you over and over to be quiet, wait your turn, sit still.

You see, I was a brand new teacher. I didn't know how to encourage your voice. I didn't know it wasn't okay to shame a student into behaving.

And now, I have two sons. They are still babies, but one day they will go to school. I hope their teachers know how important it is for them to move. I hope their teachers value their contributions, no matter how frequent or how unsolicited they are.

The truth is, you were always one of my favorites.

I'll bet you are out there now, killing it.

Your Teacher,

Ms. Anna


  1. What a wonderful letter. We all could write letters like this to a first year class. Each year we learn more about teaching. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a wonderful letter. We all could write letters like this to a first year class. Each year we learn more about teaching. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I could write so many of these to my former students, Anna. Seriously. You are brave to do it publicly. I will openly talk about my shortcomings, but have rarely been brave enough to write them down for the world to see. I admire your courage.

  4. Anna,
    I love this letter to your Juan Carlos. It seems each year I have a Juan Carlos and each year they stay with me for several years to come. If only we could find this appreciation for their individuality when they are sitting in front us.

  5. I think your letter speaks to the journey we make as teachers. There are so many lessons our students teach us that help us to be better for the next students that fill the seats of our classrooms. I think we can all think of students we'd like to have back to try again.

  6. I always think about the things I should or shouldn't have done with former students. We learn valuable lessons each year. I love that you were brave enough to share this letter.

  7. I always think about the things I should or shouldn't have done with former students. We learn valuable lessons each year. I love that you were brave enough to share this letter.

  8. I love the last line the most. That you have lots of faith. :-)

  9. We all have a Juan Carlos, don't we? How wonderful to work in a profession where we grow and learn every day!

  10. We all have a Juan Carlos, don't we? How wonderful to work in a profession where we grow and learn every day!

  11. What a beautiful, heartfelt post. Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable...we learn so much our students and we rarely get the share things like this with them. I'm sure Juan Carlos knew how much you cared about him! :)
